What Is Wealth? Is Wealth Part Of Your Life?

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I believe that true wealth is a state of complete abundance and openness towards reality. When we are wealthy we, as conscious human beings, take full responsibility for every single part of our lives.

This includes the way we treat our bodies, what we put in them, what information we consume. We analyse everything and we make sure it adds value to our health and it does not diminish it in any way.

We also take responsibility for everything we say and do. If you see a person that is talking down to someone, making the other person feel bad, you can be sure the person talking down is not experiencing wealth at its fullest.

A person that is experiencing wealth is at peace. They are loving, they are tranquil. That does not mean things cannot go bad in their lives. Like, for example, an accident or something happening in their family or in their careers or in their business or in the economy or with the government.

Things can happen all the time. But a person that is wealthy – truly, truly wealthy – knows that they are in control of everything they think, say, and do. They know that they have the power to change anything about themselves or their circumstance at any point in time.

So we define true wealth as a complete abundance of wisdom, health, finances, love, and everything else that is important in one’s life. This should include adding value to society in a way that makes you happy.

Wealth is sometimes misplaced with financial abundance or prosperity. This gives wealth a narrow significance, which it shouldn’t, as wealth has to do with much more than that.

Wealth represents that thing you don’t know you wish, but you do nevertheless. It is the place where your heart and soul and your mind feel at peace. I am so grateful for everything that was given to me, adding more wealth to my life.

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