I Don’t Want To Be Exciting

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A few years ago I’ve made, what I feel was, an important decision.

I decided I don’t want to be “exciting” by social standards. That’s just not for me.

I like simple things.

I like warm, soothing tea. I like cuddling up close to my wonderful wife, feeling her warmth whilst we’re both reading. I like going on walks, listening to birds sing and watching squirrels jump around between trees.

Just the other day I was coming down the hill and a soft breeze from behind started pushing the leaves around me forward. I thought it was just such a beautiful moment. Almost immediately I was engulfed by an overwhelming feeling of of gratitude.

I literally almost cried.

I was so grateful for this moment in time I’m blessed to be part of. I even became grateful that my parents brought me into this life and took care of me for so many years, as best they knew how and had the resources to.

I know it sounds corny. But I like corny. I like putting on Christmas music and decorating the tree together with Diana. I just love it when she prepares nachos with vegan cheese and we watch a corny Christmas love movie.

And I know it might sound strange to some, but I also really love working.

I love practicing my craft. I love the challenge of figuring out solutions for the many challenges we all face as work. And I just love being there for my team and my clients when they need me.

My best friendships are with the people I work with.

Again, my life is nothing “exciting” by most people’s standards.

But everything in my life is the way it is by choice. And I love it just the way it is.

I hope you love your life just as much. But if you don’t, know that it’s never to late to make changes for the better.

Thank you,

P.S.: If you ever need to talk with someone, have any questions whatsoever, or just want to say hi, please email me@robertindries.com. I’d love to meet you.

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