Wealth Members: One Of My Favourite Clients

Being a wealth coach, I like to think that all of my services are rendered with a holistic mindset. Whenever we work with someone, we have the option of leaving a good impact on their lives no matter what we sell. Whether we sell fruit juice at the corner, or whether we sell newspapers, or services, or coaching.
We have the ability to leave an impact, a positive impact, on someone’s life.As a result, the clients that I liked most, that are my favorite, are the ones that were willing to open up and truly build a relationship with me so that we could have the most impact on their lives.
Obviously, client confidentiality is a very important aspect of what I do. I’ve had the privilege of coaching over 1000 people until now. But for example, one of those I remember, we started working together one and a half years ago. We still work together to this day, and we have weekly coaching calls.

It’s just fascinating how much they’ve grown. It’s so amazing how much happier they are. How much more driven they are to work every day. They were single when we met. Now they’re in an amazing relationship. Their career is five times bigger than it was one and a half years ago. In every single aspect of their life they’ve just improved.
The reason why that happened is because 1 – they made the investment into themselves, and then 2 – they were willing to open up and truly grow. And I just love that. So I have many examples like that, but that’s one of them.
P.S.: If you ever need to talk with someone, have any questions whatsoever, or just want to say hi, please email me@robertindries.com. I’d love to meet you.
P.P.S.: Imagine having an entire team helping you acquire all your goals . Wealth was born with a very clear mission: To be the absolute best source of practical wisdom someone on their journey toward wealth could ever have access to. If you’re interested, learn more and apply here: https://robertindries.com/wealth/