Wealth: How To Measure A Successful Life

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What is success? How do we measure it? I believe true success is measured by how much wealth we have in our life. By adding value in ways that make you happy – whether that’s writing articles, educating others in schools or online, healing people in hospitals, clinics, or through therapy, inventing things that can take humanity forward, or building places where people can work, live, and enjoy their lives.

Don’t think of success as if it was something you had to achieve. Success isn’t a place you need arrive at. Nor is it an emotion you need to start feeling. Success doesn’t need to be achieved. Words sometimes seem so frightening, we forget to look at what lies behind them.

We shouldn’t allow ourselves to start having anxiety and fear that we won’t succeed. Every single event in our life, every single moment adds to what we are. It makes us grow, it makes us become better human beings. As long as we learn from what happens to us, we succeed. Success is having wealth in your life.

Whatever it is that you want to do to add value – as long as you’re happy doing it and you can do it in a way that does not take away from you, but which gets you more and more excited every time you do it. It gets you thinking of what else you could do to improve and get better.  Whatever it is, as long as you truly care about your work and you can’t imagine your life without it.

Maybe some days the feeling is not as intense, because we all have bad days, of course, but if you can keep adding value to society and do it in your own way, I think that is a big part of wealth and one of the best measures of a successful life.

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